
2021-03-14 21:00 举报



一项新的研究发现,使用电子烟所引起的与心脏和肺部疾病有关的生物学反应比香烟烟雾要低得多。科学家在小鼠模型中评估了六个月内含或不含尼古丁的电子烟蒸气的影响。在PMI和奥驰亚集团(Altria Group Inc.)之间的研究合作项目中,将电子烟蒸气的影响与暴露于常规香烟烟雾的影响进行了比较。



  • 与香烟烟雾相比,可导致较低水平的肺部炎症,结构破坏和分子变化的标志物。

  • 与香烟烟雾相比,可减少动脉中的斑块形成,并减少主动脉和心脏组织中的分子变化。

  • 确实对动脉有一些与尼古丁有关的影响,但这种影响要比香烟烟雾观察到的要小。

  • 与香烟相比,对动脉功能和心脏功能的影响降低。


朱莉娅Hoeng博士 系统毒理学主任,菲利普莫里斯国际公司

PMI系统毒理学总监茱莉亚·霍恩(Julia Hoeng)博士说:“这些结果是有力的证据,表明转而使用电子烟比继续吸烟是更好的选择。” “这项研究确实是一项具有里程碑意义的研究,不仅证明了电子烟和卷烟之间降低的毒性和疾病风险,而且还评估了尼古丁和香料的作用。”

Justyna Szostak今天在毒性协会第58届年会和ToxExpo上介绍了这项研究,该研究的全部结果将提交在同行评审的期刊上发表。



A new study has found using e-cigarettes induced significantly lower biological responses associated with heart and lung diseases than cigarette smoke. Scientists evaluated the impact of e-cigarette vapor, both with and without nicotine, over a period of six month in a mouse model. The effects of e-cigarette vapor were compared with exposure to conventional cigarette smoke in a research collaboration project between PMI and Altria Group Inc.

E-cigarettes are gaining popularity as a potential alternative to cigarettes. In contrast with cigarettes, e-cigarettes deliver nicotine without many of the toxicants in cigarette smoke. Currently, there is limited data on the long-term effects of nicotine-containing e-cigarette vapor in terms of toxicology or disease risk assessment compared with that of cigarette smoke.

This study in mice compared the effects on the heart, lungs, and major arteries that were exposed to e-cigarettes, cigarettes, and fresh air. After six months of scheduled exposures (3 hours day, 5 days a week), the results showed that e-cigarettes vapor:

  • Resulted in lower levels of the markers of lung inflammation, structural damage, and molecular changes compared with cigarette smoke.

  • Lead to reduced plaque formation in the arteries and reduced molecular changes in the aorta and heart tissues compared with cigarette smoke.

  • Did have some expected nicotine-related effects on the arteries, but the effect was smaller than observed with cigarette smoke.

  • Showed reduced effects on artery function and heart function compared with cigarette smoke.

These results are a powerful addition to the evidence showing that switching to e-cigarettes is a much better choice than continuing to smoke

Dr. Julia Hoeng, Director of Systems Toxicology, Philip Morris International

“These results are a powerful addition to the evidence showing that switching to e-cigarettes is a much better choice than continuing to smoke,” said Dr. Julia Hoeng, PMI’s Director of Systems Toxicology. “This study truly is a landmark study, not just demonstrating the reduced toxicity and disease risk between e-cigarettes and cigarettes but also evaluating the role of nicotine and flavors.”

Justyna Szostak, presented this study today at the Society of Toxicity 58th Annual Meeting & ToxExpo, and the full results of this study will be submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal.

Recent studies elsewhere have presented contradictory findings, many of them based on analyses of data from the National health Interview Survey. These studies and news coverage of them tend to focus largely on correlations, such as between e-cigarettes and incidence of heart attack. However, those correlations are reported without regard to when the heart attack happened, which may even have been before the person switched from smoking to vaping. Mistakes like these play a major role in discouraging adult smokers from switching to products that are better for them than smoking.
